
Relationship Rhythm

I just finished reading “The Legend of Bagger Vance” by Steven Pressfield. The movie with the same title, starting Will Smith and Matt Damon, is forgettable. The book is outstanding. Toward the middle of the book, a sportswriter is trying to describe the swing of legendary golfer Bobby Jones. According to the writer, Jones’ spectacular gift is his rhythm, and […]

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Choice and Happiness

While reading the book Travels by Michael Crichton last week, I learned a bit about actor Sean Connery. Apparently, Connery was an unhappy man when he first started out in acting. Small things would bother him. They would fester. He was mad all the time. He decided to make a change. He said (paraphrasing), “As long as I’m here and

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Is Facebook Your Responsibility?

Facebook announced a mountain of changes last week. From this New York Times article, the emphasis is on private messaging, groups and Stories. Many of the changes, according to the report, was made by Facebook to combat years of privacy concerns. Uh…maybe. Yes, I think Facebook cares about privacy, but they care about revenue a lot more. The

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Changing Your Life in Five Minutes

I was sitting around talking to a group of people recently. One person was really frustrated with their current job situation and said “there’s just nothing I can do.” I didn’t say anything in response. I mean, I totally get where that person is coming from. They probably feel like they can’t do anything. But they could

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Seriously Unplugged

Digital Junk Food Those of you who know me are already aware of my fascination with social media and smartphones. Since my year-long sabbatical last year, I’ve been trying to get the word out about the damage that too much “device time” can do. Smartphones distract us whether they are on, off, in our pockets, or on

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